The project was to explore design through the materiality of steel bones and skins. By investigating the behaviors and characteristics of steel, the strength, stiffness, stability and synergy, the goal was to create a folly that is design and systematic oriented rather than function.

The skin phase of the project utilized diamond and square fins that are painted gold on one side and silver on the other to create an experiential encounter that focuses on movement and change. The diamond shape modules was aggregated from small pieces that is gradually transformed into larger pieces at the top. It is then contrasted with square cubes that are perpendicular to the plates to emphasized the curvature of the diamond.

Derived from our P2 last semester. A portion of the transformation project was taken out and scaled up. It was then separated and contoured. The contour lines were extruded to create thin plates. It was rotated 15 degrees from bottom to top, and from one plate to the other to create a twisted tower. Two columns, one large and one thin, were placed inside the plates to support the plates.